Privacy Policy

Beaulac privacy notice

Effective date of this Privacy Notice

October 30, 2016


This privacy notice applies to the personal data of consumers that is collected or used by Beaulac. or its affiliates or subsidiaries (Beaulac). Beaulac appreciates the interest you have shown in our company, products and services by visiting our websites, or related communication channels, including, but not limited to, our social media pages and/or channels and blogs (together “Beaulac pages”). This privacy notice applies to all the personal data that Beaulac collects when you interact with Beaulac, such as when you visit our websites, when you use the products or services offered by Beaulac, when you purchase Beaulac products or services, when you subscribe to newsletters, when you contact customer support, and when you interact with Beaulac as a business customer, supplier or business partner, etc.

This includes, without limitation, all online and offline collections of all types of personal data. However, some Beaulac pages collections involve with types of data with special requirements (for example, medical data) and which require a different privacy notice. Whenever and wherever that is the case, Beaulac will make it clear that the privacy notice concerned is different from this general privacy notice.

To create a global approach on the protection of privacy and to allow internal data transfers between Beaulac companies worldwide, Beaulac has adopted Binding Corporate Rules called the Beaulac Privacy Rules. You can find more information on the Beaulac Privacy Rules on the Beaulac privacy website (

Why we ask you to share your Personal Data

We ask you to share your personal data with us for purposes that include, but are not limited to:

  • Buying Beaulac products and services online;
  • Activating or registering certain products and services or enhancing functionality;
  • Receiving information about Beaulac products and services;
  • Participating in Beaulac online communities, including our social media channels/pages and blogs;
  • Storing your preferences for future interactions and communications from Beaulac;
  • Helping us to develop products and services and create campaigns that are designed around you, optimise customer services and continuously improve our websites;
  • Helping us to improve products and services, and allowing Beaulac to keep you informed of, or involve you in the testing of, new products and services;
  • Resolving consumer and/or product and services issues;
  • Receiving personalised messages, special offers and advertisements that are relevant to your personal interests, based on the information you have shared with us and on the information we have collected through cookies or similar techniques regarding your use of the Beaulac websites/social media/blogs.

When you deal with Beaulac on behalf of a business customer, supplier, or business partner, we ask you to provide us with personal data for purposes that include, but are not limited to:

  • Managing customer relationships
  • Facilitating information access
  • Enhancing communications
  • Analysing and understanding customer interactions
  • Implementing security programs
  • Helping Beaulac participate in certification programs

We generally process your personal data only for those purposes that we have communicated with you. If we use it for other (closely related) purposes, additional data protection measures will be implemented if required by law.

Type of Personal Data we may collect

When you interact with Beaulac, for instance by registering at My Beaulac, purchasing a product or interacting with Beaulac via our Beaulac pages, e.g. “like us on Facebook”, we may ask for or receive certain data, such as:

  • Your name;
  • Your email address;
  • Your telephone number;
  • Your social media profile;
  • Your gender;
  • Your age;
  • Information about the products and services you have purchased;
  • Your usage of and activities on our Beaulac pages;
  • Your interests; and
  • Other information related to your online behaviour.

Also, depending on the choices you have made regarding your settings on various social media sites, and your settings on our Beaulac pages, certain personal data may be shared with Beaulac about your online activities and social media profiles, e.g. interests, marital status, gender, user name, photo, comments you have posted, etc.

In addition, we may collect personal data via cookies or similar techniques, including, but not limited to:

  • Your IP address;
  • Your cookie ID;
  • Your web browser;
  • Your location;
  • The web pages you visit on our websites;
  • The advertisements you’ve viewed or clicked through;

When you interact with Beaulac on behalf of a business customer, supplier or business partner of Beaulac, we may collect:

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your telephone number
  • Your picture
  • Your IP address
  • Personal details that may come up in the scope of the business relationship, (e.g. your hobbies, age)

 Different ways we collect your Personal Data

You can share your personal data with Beaulac in several ways, including, but not limited to:

  • Registering as a member of My Beaulac;
  • Registering a purchase or service;
  • Your communications with Beaulac. These can be product- or service-related, and may include the contents of your questions to us, or requests that you addressed to us;
  • Communicating with one of our Beaulac Customer Care representatives by email, phone or in writing;
  • Ordering a product or service;
  • Participating in a promotion, game or competition;
  • Participating in a social media activity related to a Beaulac promotion, e.g. clicking “like” or “share”;
  • Asking to receive messages on your mobile phone/device;
  • Subscribing to a Beaulac newsletter;
  • Sending us a completed reply card, included with your Beaulac product;
  • Voluntarily participating in product testing or surveys;
  • Social sign-on, e.g. using your Facebook or LinkedIn credentials to create an account or log on;
  • When using Beaulac connected products/services and/or apps, you may be asked whether you wish to share data with Beaulac, e.g. sharing your usage data or your location data;
  • Cookies placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit our websites;
  • Social Listening: Beaulac may search the Internet for relevant and publicly available content and use it to improve its products or services, resolve consumer issues and provide targeted marketing.

When you interact with Beaulac as a business customer, supplier or business partner:

  • Registering purchases
  • Provisions of services with Beaulac
  • Communications with Beaulac
  • Developing partnerships
  • When accessing Beaulac facilities or systems
  • Participating in fairs, events or promotions
  • Voluntarily participating in testing or surveys

 Sharing your Personal Data with others

We may share your personal data with service providers, business partners and other third parties, in accordance with applicable law.

For example, Beaulac may sell you a product or offer you a service in a joint marketing effort with another company (business partner). The agreements with these business partners will limit the purposes for which your personal data can be used and disclosed, and will require your personal data to be adequately safeguarded. We will let you know that such a relationship exists and who these companies are prior to processing your data for such joint marketing efforts.

Beaulac may also disclose your data to other companies such as IT and communications service providers, testing companies, data management support partners and other parties bearing a necessary relationship for Beaulac to provide its services.

When you interact with Beaulac as a business customer, supplier or business partner, Beaulac may disclose personal data available in reports and other materials provided by you and/or your company pursuant to an engagement with another business partner and/or a supplier.

If we are required by law to obtain your consent, or otherwise believe that your consent is appropriate in the circumstances, we will obtain your consent before we share your personal data.

Beaulac will disclose personal data only in conformance with this privacy notice and/or when required by law.

From time to time, Beaulac may sell a business or a part of a business to another company. Such a transfer of ownership could include the transfer of your personal data directly related to that business to the purchasing company.

Your rights

Once you have provided us with your personal data, you have reasonable access to that information so that you can update, modify or, if legally possible, delete it. For this purpose, we refer you to the Beaulac privacy website ( where you can exercise your rights. On this website you can also pose other privacy questions or file your privacy complaints.

You can also delete or change the privacy settings of your My Beaulac account by logging in to your account and accessing your “personal settings”.

You will also be provided with an opt-out opportunity in our commercial messages to you (if any).

We encourage you to keep your personal settings and personal data complete and current.

Your choices

We want to know you better so that we can serve you better while at the same time respecting your choices about how we use your personal data.

Your personal data may be transferred from your home country to other Beaulac companies in different locations around the world, which may communicate with you about Beaulac products, services or special offers that you may be interested in. If local law requires it, we will ask for prior consent to transfer your personal data outside of your geographic region.

If you do not want us to send you personalised offers or information, you can let us know by ticking the appropriate box on the registration form or reply card, or by selecting “opt-out” on emails you receive.

Where local law requires it, we will ask you to “opt-in” or affirmatively consent to the processing of your personal data. For example, where local law so requires, we will only send you newsletters if you have subscribed to them. Similarly, where local law so requires, we will ask you to “opt-in” before using sophisticated profiling techniques.

Because Beaulac sells thousands of products and services in hundreds of countries, you may have previously provided us with your personal data through reply cards, via our call centres or in some other manner. Your decision not to register now will not affect the personal data you have already provided to Beaulac. Of course, you will always have the option to unsubscribe from any targeted communication from Beaulac or change your personal profile information as described under “Your Rights”.

Do not Not Track Signals

Beaulac takes privacy and security very seriously, and strives to put our website users first in all aspects of our business. Beaulac utilises cookies to help you to get the most out of the Beaulac pages.

Please be aware that Beaulac currently does not make use of a technical solution that would enable us to respond to your browser’s Do Not Track signals. In order to manage your cookie preferences, however, you may alter the cookie settings in your browser settings at any time. You may accept all, or certain, cookies. If you do disable our cookies in your browser settings, you may find that certain sections of our website(s) will not work. For example, you may have difficulties logging in or making online purchases.

You can find further information on how to alter your cookie settings for the browser that you use from the following list:

On the Beaulac pages, Flash cookies may also be used. Flash cookies may be removed by managing your Flash Player settings. Depending on the version of Internet Explorer (or other browser) and media player you use, you may be able to manage Flash cookies with your browser. You may manage Flash Cookies by visiting the Adobe website. Please be aware that restricting the use of Flash Cookies may affect the features available to you.

Social media

When you participate in various social media forums like Facebook, Twitter, Yammer, Pinterest, Instagram, etc., you should be familiar with and understand the tools provided by those sites that allow you to make choices about how you share the personal data in your social media profile(s).

Beaulac is bound by the privacy practices or policies of these third parties, as well as our own Social Media House rules and this privacy notice, so we encourage you to read the applicable privacy notices, terms of use and related information about how your personal data is used in these social media environments.

Also, depending on the choices you have made regarding your settings on various social media sites (and/or in combination with your settings on the Beaulac pages), certain personal data may be shared with Beaulac about your online activities and social media profiles, e.g. interests, marital status, gender, user name, photos, comments and content you have posted/shared, etc.

Linking to other websites

During your online journey across Beaulac websites, you may encounter links to other websites for your convenience and information. These websites may operate independently from Beaulac, and may have their own privacy notices, statements or policies. We strongly suggest that you review them to understand how your personal data may be processed in connection with those sites, as we are not responsible for the content of non-Beaulac-owned or managed sites, or the use or privacy practices of those sites.


Beaulac may store your personal data in a cloud. This means that your personal data may be processed on behalf of Beaulac by a cloud service provider and could be stored in different locations around the world. Beaulac makes use of organisational and contractual measures to protect your personal data and to impose similar but in no way less restrictive requirements on our cloud services providers, including requirements that your personal data be processed exclusively for the purposes mentioned above.

How we protect your personal data

We recognise and take seriously our responsibility to protect the personal data you entrust to Beaulac from loss, misuse or unauthorised access. Beaulac uses a variety of security technologies and organisational procedures to help protect your personal data. For example, we implement access controls, use firewalls and secure servers, and we encrypt certain types of data, such as financial information and other sensitive data.

Special information for parents

While Beaulac websites are not generally targeted at children under the age of 16, it is Beaulac’ policy to comply with the law when it requires parent or guardian permission before children’s information is collected, used or disclosed.

Beaulac strongly recommends that parents take an active role in supervising the online activities of their children. If you believe we have collected personal data from a person who is under the age of 16, please contact us at the Beaulac privacy website (

Changes to this privacy notice

The services that Beaulac provides are always evolving and the form and nature of the services that Beaulac provides may change from time to time without prior notice to you. For this reason, we reserve the right to change or add to this privacy notice from time to time and will post any material revisions on our websites.

We will post a prominent notice on our privacy notice page to notify you of any significant changes to this privacy notice, and will indicate at the top of the notice when it was most recently updated. We encourage you to check back often to review the latest version.

The new privacy notice will be effective upon posting. If you do not agree to the revised notice, you should alter your preferences, or consider stopping using the Beaulac pages. By continuing to access or make use of our services after the changes become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised privacy notice.